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Spacing is used to create space around elements, outside of any defined borders. It can be used to create space between elements or to create space around elements.

Margins are used to create space around elements, outside of any defined borders. m property is used to set all margin size. It accepts the following values:
  • 0: no margin
  • 1: small margin
  • 2: medium margin
  • 3: large margin
  • 4: x-large margin
  • 5: xx-large margin
mb property is used to set the margin-bottom size. It accepts the same values as m.
ms property is used to set the margin-start size. It accepts the same values as m.
me property is used to set the margin-end size. It accepts the same values as m.
mt property is used to set the margin-top size. It accepts the same values as m.
mx property is used to set the margin-left and margin-right size. It accepts the same values as m.
my property is used to set the margin-top and margin-bottom size. It accepts the same values as m.
Paddings are used to create space around the content of an element, inside of any defined borders. p property is used to set all paddings size. It accepts the following values:
  • 0: no padding
  • 1: small padding
  • 2: medium padding
  • 3: large padding
  • 4: x-large padding
  • 5: xx-large padding
pb property is used to set the padding-bottom size. It accepts the same values as p.
ps property is used to set the padding-start size. It accepts the same values as p.
pe property is used to set the padding-end size. It accepts the same values as p.
pt property is used to set the padding-top size. It accepts the same values as p.
px property is used to set the padding-left and padding-right size. It accepts the same values as p.
py property is used to set the padding-top and padding-bottom size. It accepts the same values as p.
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